1. The way my host dad lights up and yells, ‘You’re back already!’ whenever I get home (even if it’s just back from a day trip to the town).
2. The way the baby stands at the bottom of the steps and screams my name until I come to get her.
3. The way my favorite students see me across the school yard and wave so enthusiastically.
4. The way any student will take off his/her hat as they pass me (even if I’m in grubby, sweaty shorts and tshirt on a bike ride).
5. The way my dogs come to greet me on the road after I get back from a trip, the way they jump on me so happily that I can barely finish the walk to the gate.
6. The way my sister and brother-in-law teach ‘bad’ things to the baby (i.e. ‘I’m gonna kill you!’ and the Khmer equivalent of flipping the bird) and laugh hysterically when she performs them.
7. The way my host mom makes me french fries for dinner whenever she thinks I’m sad or sick or lonely.
8. The way the baby will take everything off the coffee table and put it in my lap, methodically saying, ‘This belongs to Aunt…’ with every object.
9. The way Mayoneth, my good friend at the school and a Khmer Literature teacher, whispers and giggles with me in the school office.
10. The way the stars look from my window, so bright without air or light pollution.
11. The way I have to walk so gingerly to the bathroom for fear of stepping on one of the plethora of chicks that freely wander the yard.
12. Watching my dad scale the wall in my room to make an offering at our spirit house.
13. Fruit fresh from our trees: coconuts, mangoes, bananas, jackfruit, sugar palm.
14. The noises my brother and dad make to call the chickens and cows.
15. The way the baby hugs me gingerly when I’m not feeling well.
(posted February 14, 2013)
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