Friday, September 6, 2013

Today the 7th generation of Peace Corps Volunteers swore in to service in Cambodia. As part of their departing training to begin their lives at site, our Country Director distributed a compiled list of advice from the 5th generation - my generation - which they provided while leaving the country. The list ranged from the comical ‘Are you sure I’m qualified to give advice?’ to the serious warnings of ‘creating inequalities through the flaunting of rules.’

My favorite, though, and a theme of which I’ve previously written: ‘Have high hopes and low expectations.’

I was also able to listen to a fellow Svay Rieng volunteer reflect back on his first day at site a year ago. He talked about his nerves and fears and insecurities and how simple advice from a province mate has continued to resonate with him: ‘Remember what this moment is like. Remember these feelings. Because that’s what you feel when you’re doing something awesome and risky.’

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