Sunday, April 27, 2014

I Was in a Khmer Play!

Over Khmer New Year, I went up to Battambang to help out with Sambath and Sambon's program with Countryside Class. As part of the 3 nights of entertainment they put on at Kampongseyma Pagoda, the kids worked together to write and act out a play, which they generously invited me to take part in. So here's 'I was in a Khmer play!' (part 1).


Over Khmer New Year, Countryside Class worked with World Vision to put on three nights of entertainment at Kampongseyma Pagoda in Battambang Province. Part of the festivities were traditional games, which I got to take part in on the final night. You’re allowed only three swings, so Sambath says I cheated; I maintain, however, that I was merely seeking with a wide sweep and succeeded on my third hit.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Peace Corps Cambodia's Website Launches!

One of my main responsibilities as Peace Corps Volunteer Leader in Cambodia has been to manage the creation of Peace Corps Cambodia’s social media presence. As part of Peace Corps’ new recruitment initiative of allowing recruits more choice in where they want to serve, each post has been tasked with creating a post-specific website to highlight the unique work that Volunteer do in that country.
After months of work alongside of Peace Corps Cambodia staff, our website has finally gone live! On our site you can read about Cambodia, our programs, donate to projects, and read blog posts and other stories of Peace Corps Cambodia Volunteers in action.
Alongside this website, we’ve also created a youtube channel and facebook page.
Please take some time to check out these new sites and read about what makes Peace Corps Cambodia so special.